Here are some general keywords and terms related to different aspects of the marine industry:
- Marine Biology:
- Marine organisms
- Oceanography
- Marine ecology
- Marine biodiversity
- Marine conservation
- Coral reefs
- Marine mammalogy
- Fisheries biology
- Marine microbiology
- Marine Engineering:
- Naval architecture
- Marine propulsion
- Ship design
- Offshore engineering
- Marine technology
- Subsea engineering
- Ocean engineering
- Marine robotics
- Maritime Industry:
- Shipping
- Maritime law
- Port management
- Maritime safety
- International Maritime Organization (IMO)
- Maritime regulations
- Maritime economics
- Oceanography:
- Physical oceanography
- Chemical oceanography
- Geological oceanography
- Ocean currents
- Ocean modeling
- Ocean circulation
- Oceanographic research
- Environmental Science:
- Marine pollution
- Oil spills
- Marine debris
- Coastal management
- Marine environmental monitoring
- Climate change and oceans
- Marine Technology:
- Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs)
- Remotely operated vehicles (ROVs)
- Sonar technology
- Marine sensors
- Underwater acoustics
- Marine navigation
- Maritime Security:
- Maritime surveillance
- Anti-piracy measures
- Port security
- Maritime domain awareness
- Coastal defense
- Aquaculture:
- Marine aquaculture
- Fish farming
- Shellfish aquaculture
- Aquaculture sustainability
- Maritime History:
- Naval history
- Maritime archaeology
- Historical shipbuilding
- Maritime Education:
- Marine science education
- Maritime training
- Marine biology courses
- Naval architecture programs
AA | Always Afloat |
AAAA | Always Afloat, Always Accessible |
AAOSA | Always Afloat Or Safe Aground |
AAR | Against All Risks |
AARA | Always Accessible or Reachable on Arrival |
AB | Able Seaman |
ABS | American Bureau of Shipping |
AC | Alternating Current (electricity) |
ACV | Air Cushion Vehicle |
AD | Area Differential |
ADF | Automatic Direction Finder |
AF | Anti-Fouling |
AFFF | Aqueous Film Forming Foam |
AFRA | Average Freight Rate Assessment |
AG | Arabian Gulf |
AGW | Actual Gross Weight |
All Going Well | |
AHTS | Anchor Handling Tug and Supply Vessel |
AIS | Automatic Identification System |
ALERT | Automatic Life-saving Emergency Radio Transmitter |
ALRS | Admiralty List of Radio Signals |
AMSL | Above Mean Sea Level |
AMVER | Automated Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue System |
AMWELSH | Americanised Welsh Coal Charter party |
ANERA | Asia-North America Eastbound Rate Agreement |
ANOP | Articles Not Otherwise Provided for |
ANSI | American National Standard Institute |
AO | Awaiting Orders |
And Other | |
AOB | Any One Bottom |
AOH | After Office Hours |
AOLOC | Any One Location |
AOR | Atlantic Ocean Region |
AOS | Any One Steamer |
AOV | Any One Vessel |
AP | All Purposes |
Additional Premium | |
Aft Perpendicular | |
API | American Petroleum Institute |
APS | Arrival Pilot Station |
APT | Aft Peak Tank |
ARA | Antwerp – Rotterdam – Amsterdam |
ARPA | Automatic Radar Plotting Aid |
A/S | Alongside |
ASAP | As Soon As Possible |
ASBA | The Association of Shipbrokers and Agents (USA) Incorporated, New York |
ASCII | American Standard Code for Information Interchange |
ASPW | Any Safe Port in the World |
ASTM | American Society of Testing & Materials |
ATA | Actual Time of Arrival |
ATD | Actual Time of Departure |
ATDN | Any Time Day & Night |
ATDNSHINC | Anytime Day/Night Sundays & Holidays Included |
ATK | Aviation Turbine Kerosene |
ATS | All Time Saved |
ATSBE | All Time Saved Both Ends |
ATSDO | All Time Saved Discharging Only |
ATUTC | Actual Times Used To Count |
AUV | Autonomous Underwater Vehicle |
AVGAS | Aviation Gasoline |
AVR | Automatic Voltage Regulator |
AVTAG | Aviation Turbine Gasoline |
AWIWL | Always Within Institute Warranty Limits |
AWVNS | Always Within Vessel`s Natural Segregation |
AWRI | Additional War Risk Insurance |
BA | British Admiralty |
BAF | Bunker Adjustment Factor |
BB | Below Bridge |
Ballast Bonus | |
Bare Boat | |
Break Bulk/ Breaking Bulk | |
Bulbous Bow | |
BBB | Before Breaking Bulk |
BBC | Bare Boat Charter |
BC | Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes |
BCH | Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk |
BCM | Bow to Centre of Manifold |
BCO | Beneficial Cargo Owner |
BD | Bar Draught |
BDC | Bottom Dead Centre |
BDI | Both Dates Inclusive |
B/E | Break-Even |
BENDS | Both Ends |
BFI | Baltic Freight Index |
BHP | Brake Horse Power |
BI | Both Inclusive |
BIC | Bureau International des Containers (International Container Bureau) |
BIFFEX | Baltic International Freight Futures Index |
BIMCO | The Baltic and International Maritime Council |
BKR | Bulgarski Koraben Registar (Bulgarian Register of Shipping) |
B/L | Bill of Lading |
BLU | Code of Practice for the Safe Loading and Unloading of Bulk Carriers |
BN | Booking Note |
BOA | Berthing On Arrival |
BOB | Bunkers On Board |
Balance On Board | |
BOD | Bunkers On Delivery |
BOFFERS | Best Offers |
BOL | Bill Of Lading |
BOP | Blow-out Preventer |
BOR | Bunkers On Redelivery |
B/P | Bills Payable |
B/R | Bills Receivable |
BROB | Bunkers Remaining On Board |
BS | Bunker Surcharge |
BSC | British Shippers` Council |
BSI | British Standards Institution |
BST | British Standard Time |
British Summer Time | |
BT | Berth Terms |
BV | Bureau Veritas |
BW | Brackish Water |
Ballast Water | |
BWAD | Brackish Water Arrival Draught |
BWDD | Brackish Water Departure Draught |
BWT | Ballast Water Tank |
CABAF | Currency And Bunker Adjustment Factor |
CAF | Currency Adjustment Factor |
CBFT | Cubic Feet |
CBM | Cubic Metres |
Conventional Buoy Mooring | |
CBR | Commodity Box Rate |
CBS | Cyprus Bureau of Shipping |
CBT | Clean Ballast Tank |
CC | Cubic Capacity |
Cubic Centimetres | |
Continuation Clause | |
CCG | Canadian Coast Guard |
CCS | China Classification Society |
CD | Customary Despatch |
C/E | Chief Engineer |
CENSA | Council of European and Japanese National Shipowners Association |
CES | Coast Earth Station |
CFM | Container Flow Management |
CFR | Cost and Freight |
CFS | Container Freight Station |
CFT | Cubic Feet |
CG | Centre of Gravity |
CGA | Cargo`s proportion of General Average |
CHABE | Charterer`s Agents Both Ends |
CHOPT | Charterer`s Option |
CIF | Cost, Insurance & Freight |
CIF&E | Cost, Insurance, Freight & Exchange |
CIF&I | Cost, Insurance, Freight & Interest |
CIFC | Cost, Insurance, Freight and Commission |
CIFC&I | Cost, Insurance, Freight, Commission & Interest |
CIM | Convention Internationale Concernant le Transport des Marchandises par Chemin de Fer |
CIP | Carriage and Insurance Paid to |
Calling In Port | |
CIQ | Customs Immigration Quarantine |
CIT | Chartered Institute of Transport |
CLP | Container Load Plan |
CMI | Comit? Maritime International |
CMR | Convention Marchandise Routiers |
C/N | Consignment Note |
Cover Note | |
Credit Note | |
C/O | Chief Officer |
Care Of | |
CLC | Civil Liability Convention of 1969 |
COA | Contract Of Affreightment |
COACP | Contract Of Affreightment Charter Party |
COB | Close Of Business |
COC | Certificate Of Competency |
Carrier Owned Container | |
COD | Cash On Delivery |
COF | Certificate Of Fitness |
COFC | Container On Flat Car |
COGS | Carriage of Goods by Sea |
COGSA | Carriage of Goods by Sea Act |
COMBIDOC | Combined Transport Document |
COP | Customs Of the Port |
COT | Cargo Oil Tank |
COW | Crude Oil Washing |
C/P | Charter Party |
CPD | Charterers Pay Dues |
CPP | Clean Petroleum Products |
Controllable Pitch Propeller | |
CPT | Carriage Paid To |
CQD | Customary Quick Despatch |
CR | China Corporation Register of Shipping |
CROB | Cargo Remaining On Board |
CRS | Croatian Register of Shipping |
CSC | International Convention for Safe Containers |
CSM | Container Slot Management |
CSO | Company Security Officer |
CSR | Chech and Slovak Ship`s and Industrial Register |
Continuous Service Rate | |
CST | Central Standard Time |
Centistoke | |
CT | Conference Terms |
CTL | Constructive Total Loss |
CTO | Combined Transport Operator |
CUFT | Cubic Feet |
CVs | Consecutive Voyages |
CY | Container Yard |
DA | Discharge Afloat |
DAP | Days All Purposes |
DAS | Docking Aid System |
DB | Double Bottom |
DBT | Double Bottom Tank |
DC | Direct Current |
D/D | Days After Date |
Delivered At Docks | |
DD | Daily Discharge |
Dry Docking | |
DDC | Destination Delivery Charge |
DDP | Delivery Duty Paid |
DDU | Delivery Duty Unpaid |
DEL | Delivery |
DEM | Demurrage |
DEQ | Delivered Ex Quay |
DES | Delivered Ex Ship |
DESP | Despatch |
DG | Dangerous Goods |
DGN | Dangerous Goods Note |
DGPS | Differential Global Positioning System |
DHD | Demurrage Half Despatch |
DHDATSBE | Demurrage Half Despatch on All Time Saved Both Ends |
DHDWTSBE | Demurrage Half Despatch on Working Time Saved Both Ends |
DIC | Delivered In Charge |
DISPORT | Discharge Port |
DIST | Distance |
DKVN | Vietnam Register of Shipping |
DLOSP | Dropping Last Outward Sea Pilot |
DNV | Det Norske Veritas (Norwegian Classification Society) |
DO | Diesel Oil |
DOC | Document Of Compliance |
DOP | Dropping Outward Pilot |
DOSP | Dropping Outward Sea Pilot |
DP | Dynamic Positioning |
DPP | Dirty Petroleum Products |
DR | Dead Reckoning |
DRC | Daily Running Cost |
DSC | Digital Selective Calling |
DSHA | Dangerous Substance in Harbour Area (Regulations) |
DT | Deep Tank |
DWAT | Deadweight All Told |
DWCC | Deadweight Cargo Capacity |
DWCT | Deadweight Cargo Tonnage |
DWT | Deadweight |
EASC | European Air Shippers` Council |
EC | East Coast |
ECDIS | Electronic Chart Display and Information System |
ECS | Electronic Charting System |
ECSA | East Coast South America |
ECSI | Export Cargo Shipping Instructions |
ECTU | European Council of Transport Users |
EDH | Efficient Deck Hand |
EDI | Electronic Data Interchange |
EDIFACT | Electronic Data Interchange For Administration, Commerce and Transport |
EDP | Early Departure Procedure |
EEBD | Emergency Escape Breathing Device |
EHC | Equipment Handover Charge |
EHP | Effective Horse Power |
EITC | European Inland Transport Council |
EIU | Even If Used |
ELSA | Emergency Life Saving Apparatus |
EMF | Electromotive Force |
ENC | Electronic Navigation Chart |
EOP | End Of Passage |
EOSP | End Of Sea Passage |
EPIRB | Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon |
ER | Engine Room |
ESC | European Shippers` Councils |
ESD | Emergency Shut Down |
ESPO | European Sea Ports Organisation |
ETA | Expected Time of Arrival |
ETB | Expected Time of Berthing |
ETC | Expected Time of Completion |
ETCD | Expected Time of Completion & Departure |
ETD | Expected Time of Departure |
ETR | Expected Time of Readiness |
ETS | Expected Time of Sailing |
EXW | Ex Works |
FA | Free Alongside |
FAA | Free of All Average |
FAC | Fast As Can |
Forwarding Agent`s Commission | |
FACCOP | Fast As Can, Custom Of Port |
FAF | Fuel Adjustment Factor |
FAK | Freight All Kinds |
FAOP | Full Ahead On Passage |
FAQ | Fair Average Quality |
FAS | Free Alongside Ship |
FBL | FIATA Bill of Lading |
F&CC | Full And Complete Cargo |
FC | Free of Capture |
FCA | Free Carrier |
FCL | Full Container Load |
FCAR | Free of Claim for Accident Reported |
FCR | Forwarder`s Certificate of Receipt |
FCS | Free of Capture and Seizure |
FCT | Forwarder`s Certificate of Transport |
F&D | Freight & Demurrage |
FD | Free Discharge |
Free Despatch | |
Forced Draught | |
FD&D | Freight Demurrage And Defence |
FDD | Freight Demurrage Deadfreight |
FEFC | Far East Freight Conference |
FEMAS | Federation of European Maritime Associations of Surveyors and Consultants |
FERIT | Far East Regional Investigation Team |
FEU | Forty-foot Equivalent Unit |
FFA | Free From Alongside |
Fire Fighting Appliances | |
FFI | (FIATA) Forwarding Instructions |
FGA | Free of General Average |
FHEX | Fridays and Holidays Excluded |
FHINC | Fridays and Holidays Included |
FI | Free In |
FIATA | International Federation of Forwarding Agents Associations |
FIB | Free Into Barge |
Free Into Bunker | |
FILO | First In Last Out |
Free In Liner Out | |
FILTD | Free In Liner Terms Discharge |
FIO | Free In and Out |
FIOLS | Free In and Out, Lashed, Secured |
FIOLS&D | Free In and Out, Lashed, Secured and Dunnaged |
FIOS | Free In and Out Stowed |
FIOST | Free In and Out Stowed and Trimmed |
FIOT | Free In and Out Trimmed |
FIT | Free In Truck |
Free In Trimmed | |
FIW | Free In Wagon |
FLT | Fork Lift Truck |
Full Liner Terms | |
FMC | Federal Maritime Commission |
FMS | Fathoms |
FO | Fuel Oil |
Firm Offer | |
For Orders | |
Free Out | |
Free Overside | |
FOB | Free On Board |
FOB`S | Free On Board Charges |
FOC | Free On Car |
Flag Of Convenience | |
FOD | Free on Damage |
FONASBA | The Federation of National Associations of Shipbrokers and Agents |
FOQ | Free On Quay |
FOR | Free On Rail |
FOS | Fuel Oil Surcharge |
FOT | Free On Truck |
Fuel Oil Tank | |
FOW | Free On Wharf |
Free On Wagon | |
First Open Water | |
FPA | Free Of Particular Average |
FPDSO | Floating Production, Drilling, Storage and Offloading |
FPSO | Floating Production, Storage and Offloading |
FPT | Fore Peak Tank |
FROF | Fire Risk On Freight |
FRP | Fibreglass Reinforced Plastic |
FRT | Freight |
FSO | Floating Storage & Offloading |
FSU | Floating Storage Unit |
FTW | Free Trade Wharf |
FW | Fresh Water |
FWA | Fresh Water Allowance |
FWAD | Fresh Water Arrival Draught |
FWDD | Fresh Water Departure Draught |
FWE | Finished With Engine |
FYG | For Your Guidance |
FYI | For Your Information |
FYT | Follow Your Telex |
GA | General Arrangement |
General Average | |
GATT | General Agreement on Tariff and Trade |
G/B | Grain/Bales |
G-H | Gibraltar-Hamburg |
GL | Germanischer Lloyd (German Classification Society) |
GLONASS | Global Navigation Satellite System |
GMDSS | Global Maritime Distress and Safety System |
GMT | Greenwich Meridian Time |
GNS | German North Sea |
GO | Gas Oil |
GOC | General Operator Certificate |
GP | General Purpose |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GPU | Generator Protection Unit |
GRI | General Rate Increase |
GRT | Gross Registered Tonnage |
GT | Greenwich Time |
Gross Tonnage | |
GW | Gale Warning |
Gross Weight |
HA | Hatch |
HAT | Highest Astronomical Tide |
HBF | Harmless Bulk Fertiliser |
HD | Half Despatch |
HDLTSBENDS | Half Despatch Lay Time Saved Both Ends |
HFO | Heavy Fuel Oil |
H-H | Harve-Hamburg |
HHDW | Heavy Handy Deadweight |
HHDWS | Heavy Handy Deadweight Scrap |
HHW | Higher High Water |
HHWI | Higher High Water Interval |
HHWL | Highest High Water Level |
HLA | Heavy Lift Additional |
HLW | Higher Low Water |
HLWI | Higher Low Water Interval |
HMB | Heavy Motor Blocks |
HMS | Heavy Metal Scraps |
Her Majesty`s Ships | |
HO | Holds |
HP | Horse Power |
HR | Hellenic Register of Shipping |
HSC | International Code for Safety of High Speed Craft |
HSD | High Speed Diesel |
HSS | Heavy Grains, Soyabeans and Sorghums |
HTS | High Tensile Steel |
HW | High Water |
HWI | High Water Interval |
HWLI | High Water Lunitidal Interval |
HWM | High Water Mark |
HWN | High Water Neaps |
HWONT | High Water Ordinary Neap Tide |
HWOST | High Water Ordinary Spring Tide |
HWS | High Water Spring |
HWT | High Water Time |
IACS | International Association of Classification Societies |
IAF | Inflation Adjustment Factor |
IALA | International Association of Lighthouse Authorities |
IAPH | International Association of Ports and Harbours |
IAPP | International Air Pollution Prevention |
IBC | International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk |
IBIA | International Bunker Industry Association Ltd |
IBS | Integrated Bridge System |
ICC | International Chamber of Commerce |
Institute Cargo Clauses | |
ICS | International Chamber of Shipping |
ICS | Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers |
IDL | International Date Line |
IFF | Institute of Freight Forwarders |
IFO | Intermediate Fuel Oil |
IFP | Interim Fuel Participation factor |
IGC | International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk |
IGS | Inert Gas System |
IHO | International Hydrographic Organisation |
IHP | Indicated Horse Power |
ILOHC | In Lieu Of Hold Cleaning |
IMB | International Maritime Bureau |
IMDG | International Maritime Dangerous Goods code |
IMO | International Maritime Organisation |
IMOSAR | IMO Search and Rescue manual |
IMPA | International Marine Purchasing Association |
INF | International Code for the Safe Carriage of Packaged Irradiated Nuclear Fuel, Plutonium and High-Level Radioactive Wastes on Board Ships |
INMARSAT | International Maritime Satellite Organisation |
INTERTANKO | International Association of Independent Tanker Owners |
IOPP | International Oil Pollution Prevention |
IOR | Indian Ocean Region |
IP | Institute of Petroleum |
IRO | In Respect Of |
IRS | Indian Register of Shipping |
ISDN | Integrated Services Digital Network |
ISF | International Shipping Federation |
ISGOTT | International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals |
ISM | International Safety Management code |
ISMA | International Ship Managers Association |
ISO | International Organisation for Standardisation |
ISPP | International Sewage Pollution Prevention |
ISPS | International Ship and Port Facility Security Code |
ITF | International Transport Workers` Federation |
ITIC | International Transport Intermediaries` Club |
IU | If Used |
IUHTAUTC | If Used, Half Time Actually To Count |
IUMI | International Union of Marine Insurance |
IWL | Institute Warranty Limits |
IWO | In Way Of |
J & WO | Jettison & Wash Overboard |
JIT | Just In Time |
KD | Knocked Down |
KR | Korean Register of Shipping |
KT | Kiloton |
KTS | Knots |
KVA | Kilovolt-Ampere |
KW | Kilowatt |
LASH | Lighter Aboard Ship |
LAT | Latitude |
Lowest Astronomical Tide | |
LAY/CAN | Laydays/Cancelling |
LBP | Length Between Perpendiculars |
LCL | Less than Container Load |
Loose Container Load | |
L/D | Loading/Discharging |
LCF | Longitudinal Centre of Flotation |
LDD | Loaded |
LDF | Light Distillate Feedstock |
LDG/UNLDG | Loading/Unloading |
LDPT | Load Port |
LES | Land Earth Station |
LFL | Lower Flammable Limit |
LHW | Low High Water |
LHWI | Low High Water Interval |
LIFO | Liner In Free Out |
LISCR | Liberian International Ship & Corporate Registry |
LLA | Long Length Additional |
LLW | Lower Low Water |
LLWI | Lower Low Water Interval |
LLWL | Lowest Low Water Level |
LM | Lane Metre |
LMSS | Land Mobile Satellite Service |
LNG | Liquefied Natural Gas |
LO | Lubricating Oil |
LO/LO | Lift On/Lift Off |
LOA | Length Overall |
LOF | Lloyd`s Open Form |
LOI | Letter Of Indemnity |
LOP | Line Of Position |
LPG | Liquefied Petroleum Gas |
LR | Lloyd`s Register of Shipping |
LS | Lump Sum |
LSA | Life Saving Appliances |
LS&D | Landing, Storage and Delivery Charge |
LT | Local Time |
Long Ton | |
Liner Terms | |
Lumber Tropical (loadline) | |
LTF | Lumber Tropical Fresh water (loadline) |
LW | Lumber Winter (loadline) |
LWL | Load Water Line |
Low Water Level | |
LWNA | Lumber Winter North Atlantic load line |
LWONT | Low Water Ordinary Neap Tide |
LWOST | Low Water Ordinary Spring Tide |
MARPOL | International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships |
MBL | Minimum Breaking Load |
MCA | Maritime and Coastguard Agency |
MCO | Maximum Continuous Output |
MCR | Maximum Continuous Rating |
MDO | Marine Diesel Oil |
MED | Mediterranean |
MEES | Middle East Emergency Surcharge |
MEPC | Maritime Environment Protection Committee |
MERSAR | Merchant Ship Search and Rescue manual |
MES | Mobile Earth Station |
MFO | Marine Fuel Oil |
MGO | Marine Gas Oil |
MGW | Maximum Gross Weight |
MHHW | Mean Higher High Water |
MHHWS | Mean Higher High Water Spring |
MHLW | Mean Higher Low Water |
MHW | Mean High Water |
MHWI | Mean High Water Interval |
MHWN | Mean High Water Neaps |
MHWS | Mean High Water Springs |
MLB | Mini Land Bridge |
MLD | Moulded |
MLHW | Mean Lower High Water |
MLLW | Mean Lower Low Water |
MLLWS | Mean Lower Low Water Spring |
MLW | Mean Low Water |
MLWI | Mean Low Water lunitidal Interval |
MLWN | Mean Low Water Neaps |
MLWS | Mean Low Water Springs |
MID | Maritime Identification Digits |
MMSS | Maritime Mobile Satellite Service |
MOB | Man Over Board |
MODU | Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit |
MOL | More Or Less |
MOLCO | More Or Less Charterer`s Option |
MOLOO | More Or Less Owner`s Option |
MOT | Ministry Of Transport |
M/R | Mate`s Receipt |
MS | Motor Ship |
MSA | Marine Safety Agency |
Merchant Shipping Act | |
MSB | Main Switch Board |
MSC | Maritime Safety Committee |
MSG | Message |
MSI | Maritime Safety Information |
MSL | Mean Sea Level |
M/T | Motor Tanker |
MT | Motor Tanker |
Metric Ton | |
Empty | |
MTBE | Metyl Tertiary Butyl Ether |
MTC | Moment to change Trim per Centimetre |
MTD | Multimodal Transport Document |
MTL | Mean Tide Level |
MTO | Multimodal Transport Operator |
M/V | Motor Vessel |
MV | Motor Vessel |
NAABSA | Not Always Afloat But Safely Aground |
NCAD | Notice of Cancellation at Anniversary Date |
NCSA | North Coast South America |
NCV | No Commercial Value |
NDT | Non-Destructive Testing |
NEOBIG | Not East Of But Including Greece |
NEP/S | Not Elsewhere Provided/Stated |
NIMA | National Imagery and Mapping Agency |
NKK | Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (Japanese Classification Society) |
NLS | Noxious Liquid Substances |
NMEA | National Marine Electronics Association |
NOAA | The United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
NOE | Notice of Exception |
Not Otherwise Enumerated | |
NOP | Not Otherwise Provided |
NOR | Notice Of Readiness |
NORA | Notice Of Readiness Accepted |
NORT | Notice Of Readiness Tendered |
NOS | Not Otherwise Specified |
NPA | National Petroleum Association |
NR | No Risk |
NRAD | No Risk After Discharge |
NRT | Net Registered Tonnage |
NS | Nuclear Ship |
NSA | Non-Separation Agreement |
NSPF | Not Specially Provided For |
N/T | New Terms |
NT | Net Tonnage |
NTM | Notice to Mariners |
NUC | Not Under Command |
NVO | Non-Vessel Operating |
NVOC | Non-Vessel Owning Carrier |
NVOCC | Non-Vessel Owning Common Carrier |
NWE | North West Europe |
NYPE | New York Produce Exchange form |
OBO | Oil/Bulk/Ore |
O/C | Open Charter |
Ore Carrier | |
OCIMF | Oil Companies International Marine Forum |
OCP | Over Common Point |
OD | Outside Diameter |
ODME | Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment |
ODP | Offshore Drilling Platform |
OH | Off Hire |
OHBC | Open Hatch Bulk Carrier |
OO | Oil/Ore |
Owner`s Option | |
OOG | Out Of Gauge |
OOW | Officer On Watch |
OPA | Oil Pollution Act |
OPEC | Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries |
OPL | Off Port Limits |
OPRHNS | Protocol on Preparedness, Response and Co-operation to Pollution incidents by Hazardous and Noxious Substances |
OR | Owner`s Risk |
ORB | Owner`s Risk of Breakage |
ORC | Owner`s Risk of Chafing |
ORD | Owner`s Risk of Damage |
OS | Ordinary Seaman |
OSB | One Safe Berth |
OS&D | Over, Short and Damage (report) |
OSD | Open Shelter Decker |
Oil Spill Dispersant | |
OSP | One Safe Port |
OSRA | Ocean Shipping Reform Act |
OSV | Offshore Supply Vessel |
OT | On Truck |
Overtime | |
Oil Tight | |
OWS | Oily Water Separator |
P&I | Protection And Indemnity |
PANDI | Protection And Indemnity |
P/CGO | Part Cargo |
PCC | Pure Car Carrier |
PCNT | Panama Canal Nett Tonnage |
PCT | Percent |
PDM | Physical Distribution Management |
PDPR | Per Day Pro Rata |
PEL | Permissible Exposure Limit |
PER/DRF | Permissible Draught |
PF | Power Factor |
PFSO | Port Facility Security Officer |
PG | Persian Gulf |
PGF | Poincar? Gold Franc |
PHPD | Per Hatch Per Day |
PIC | Person In Charge |
PL | Protective Location |
PLTC`S | Port Liner Term Charges |
PMQS | Provided Minimum Quantity Supplied |
PMS | Plan Maintenance System |
POB | Pilot On Board |
POR | Pacific Ocean Region |
PP | Picked Port(s) |
Posted Price | |
Pre-Paid | |
PPE | Personal Protection Equipment |
PPM | Parts Per Million |
PPS | Precise Positioning System |
PPT | Prompt Ship |
PRS | Polski Rejestr Statkow (Polish Register of Shipping) |
PSC | Port State Control |
PSF | Pounds per Square Foot |
PSI | Pounds per Square Inch |
PSR | Panama Shipping Register |
PT | Private Terms |
PV | Pressure Vacuum (valve) |
PWWD | Per Weather Working Day |
QM | Quarter Master |
QS | Quarantine Station |
RCC | Rescue Coordination Centre |
RCDS | Raster Chart Display System |
RDC | Run Down Clause |
RDF | Radio Direction Finder |
REC | Spain`s Special Register of Vessels of the Canary Islands |
RECD | Received |
RED | Rate, Extras, Demurrage |
REDELY | Redelivery |
RF | Range Finder |
Radio Frequency | |
RH | Relative Humidity |
Right Hand | |
RINA | Registro Italiano Navale (Italian Classification Society) |
Royal Institute of Naval Architects | |
RINAV | Registro Internacional Naval SARL (Portuguese) |
RLS | Royal Lifeboat Society |
RMS | Root Mean Square |
Royal Mail Service | |
RNR | Registrul Naval Roman (Romanian Register of Shipping) |
Rate Not Reported | |
ROB | Remaining On Board |
ROC | Restricted Operator Certificate |
Reference Our Cable | |
RORO | Roll On/Roll Off |
ROT | Reference Our Telex |
ROV | Remotely Operated Vehicle |
RPC | Remote Position Control |
RPF | Radio Position Finding |
RPM | Revolution Per Minute |
RPS | Revolution Per Second |
RPT | Repeat |
RS | Russian Maritime Register of Shipping |
Radio Station | |
R/T | Revenue Ton |
RT | Radio Telephone |
RTN | Return |
RTW | Round The World |
R/V | Round Voyage |
RVP | Reid Vapour Pressure |
RVT | Revert |
RVTG | Reverting |
RX | Receiver |
RYC | Reference Your Cable |
RYT | Reference Your Telex |
S&P | Sale & Purchase |
SAFCON | Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate |
SANR | Subject to Approval, No Risk |
SAR | Search And Rescue |
SARSAT | Search And Rescue Satellite System |
SART | Search And Rescue Radar Transponder |
SATCOM | Satellite Communications |
SB | Safe Berth |
SBM | Single Buoy Mooring |
SBS | Surveyed Before Shipment |
SBT | Segregated Ballast Tank |
SC | Salvage Charges |
Short Circuit | |
SCNT | Suez Canal Nett Tonnage |
SD | Sailing Date |
Short Delivery | |
Standard Design | |
Single Decker | |
SDR | Special Drawing Rights |
SF | Safety Factor |
Stowage Factor | |
Shear Force | |
SG | Specific Gravity |
SHEX | Sundays, Holidays Excluded |
SHINC | Sundays, Holidays Included |
SHP | Shaft Horse Power |
SIGTTO | Society of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators |
SLA | Single Line Approach |
SMC | Safety Management Certificate |
SMS | Safety Management System |
S/N | Shipping Note |
SNST | Soonest |
S/O | Shipping Order |
SOC | Shipper Owned Carrier |
SOF | Statement Of Facts |
SOFAR | Sound Fixing And Ranging |
SOL | Shipowner`s Liability |
SOLAS | The International Convention for the Safety Of Life At Sea |
SONAR | Sound Operation Navigation And Range |
SOPEP | Ship and Shore Oil Pollution Emergency Plan |
SP | Safe Port |
SPC | Self-Polishing Copolymers |
SPD | Steamer Pays Dues |
SPM | Single Point Mooring |
SRL | Ship Repairer`s Liability |
SS | Special Survey |
Steam Ship | |
SSB | Single Side Band |
SSHEX | Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays Excluded |
SSHINC | Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays Included |
SSN | Standard Shipping Note |
SSO | Ship Security Officer |
SSW | Summer Salt Water |
ST | Short Ton |
Standard Time | |
STBY | Standby |
STC | Said To Contain |
STCW | Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (convention) |
STD | Standard |
STEL | Short Term Exposure Limit |
STL | Submerged Turret Loading |
SWAD | Salt Water Arrival Draught |
SWASH | Small Waterplane Area Single Hull |
SWATH | Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull |
SWBM | Still Water Bending Moment |
SWDD | Salt Water Departure Draught |
SWL | Safe Working Load |
T&P | Theft & Pilferage |
T&S | Touch & Stay |
TBA | To Be Advised |
To Be Agreed | |
To Be Announced | |
Tertiary Butyl Alcohol | |
TBN | To Be Named |
To Be Nominated | |
Total Base Number | |
TBO | Time Between Overhauls |
TBS | Talk Between Ships |
T/C | Time Charter |
TC | Time Charter |
Till Countermanded | |
Time Closing | |
Temperature Coefficient | |
TCE | Time Charter Equivalent |
TCP | Time Charter Party |
TCT | Time Charter Trip |
TD | Tween Deck |
Temporarily Discontinued | |
TDC | Top Dead Centre |
TDW | Total Deadweight |
Tonnes Deadweight | |
TDWAT | Total Deadweight All Told |
Tonnage Deadweight All Told | |
TE | Temporarily Extinguished |
TEU | Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit |
TF | Tropical Freshwater (loadline) |
T&G | Tongued & Grooved (timber) |
THC | Terminal Handling Charges |
TIP | Taking Inward Pilot |
TL | Total Load |
Total Loss | |
TLO | Total Loss Only |
TLX | Telex |
TM | Technical Manual |
T/O | Transfer Order |
TOFC | Trailer on Flat Car |
TOP | Taking Outbound Pilot |
TOTOCOM | Total Commission |
TOVALOP | Tanker Owners` Voluntary Agreement Concerning Liability for Oil Pollution |
TPC | Tons Per Centimetre (immersion) |
TPD | Tons Per Day |
TPI | Tons Per Inch |
TPT | Transport |
TR | Ton Registered |
TRND | To Be Renamed |
TS | Thunderstorm |
Tropical Storm | |
TSA | Transpacific Stabilisation Agreement |
TSCF | Tanker Structure Co-operative Forum |
TST | Topside Tank |
TT | Turbine Tanker |
Transit Time | |
T/T | Telegraphic Transfer |
TVP | True Vapour Pressure |
TW | Typhoon Warning |
TWA | Time Weighted Average |
TWRA | Transpacific West-bound Rate Agreement |
UBC | Universal Bulk Carrier |
UCAE | Unforeseen Circumstances Always Expected |
UCT | Universal Co-ordinated Time |
UFL | Upper Flammable Limit |
UHF | Ultra High Frequency |
UKC | UK – Continent |
Under Keel Clearance | |
ULCC | Ultra Large Crude Carrier |
ULCS | Ultra Large Containership |
UMS | Unmanned Machinery Space |
UNCTAD | United Nation`s Conference On Trade And Development |
USAC | United States Atlantic Coast |
USC | Unless Sooner Commenced |
USCG | United States Coast Guard |
USEC | United States East Coast |
USG | United States Gulf |
USNH | United States North of Cape Hatteras |
USSH | United States South of Cape Hatteras |
USWC | United States West Coast |
UT | Universal Time |
UU | Unless Used |
UUIWCTAUTC | Unless Used In Which Case Time Actually Used To Count |
VA | Volt-Ampere |
VATOS | Valid At Time Of Sale |
V/C | Voyage Charter |
Vehicle Container | |
VDR | Voyage Data Recorder |
VEC | Vapour Emission Control |
VHF | Very High Frequency |
VIOS | Vessel Insurance and Operations Surcharge |
VLCC | Very Large Crude Carrier |
VLF | Very Low Frequency |
VOCC | Vessel Operating Common Carrier |
VOP | Value as in Original Policy |
VOY | Voyage |
VPD | Vessel Pays Dues |
VSL | Vessel |
W | Winter (loadline) |
West | |
WA | With Average |
W/B | Waybill |
WBA | When Berth Available |
WBT | Water Ballast Tank |
WCCON | Whether Cleared Customs Or Not |
WCSA | West Coast South America |
WD | Wind Direction |
WECM | Warranted Existing Class Maintained |
WEF | With Effect From |
WFA | With Following Alterations |
WI | West Indies |
WIBON | Whether In Berth Or Not |
WICCON | Whether In Customs Clearance Or Not |
WIFPON | Whether In Free Pratique Or Not |
WIG | Wing-In-Ground (effect craft) |
WIPON | Whether In Port Or Not |
WL | Water Line |
WLOH | Within Local Office Hours |
WLTOHC | Waterline To Hatch Coaming |
W/M | Weight or Measurement |
W&M | War & Marine |
WMO | World Meteorological Organisation |
WNA | Winter North Atlantic (loadline) |
WOG | Without Guidance |
Without Guarantee | |
WP | Weather Permitting |
W/P | Without Prejudice |
WPA | With Particular Average |
WRIC | Wire Rods In Coils |
WRO | War Risk Only |
WS | World Scale |
WT | Wing Tank |
Watertight | |
War Time | |
WTS | Working Time Saved |
WTSBE | Working Time Saved Both Ends |
WVNS | Within Vessel`s Natural Segregation |
WWD | Weather Working Days |
WWDSHEX | Weather Working Days, Sundays and Holidays Excepted |
WWR | When Where Ready |
WWRCD | When Where Ready on Completion of Discharge |
WWW | World Weather Watch |
WX | Weather Message |
YAR | York Antwarp Rules |
ZST | Zone Standard Time |
ZT | Zone Time |