Maritime Terms

Here are some general keywords and terms related to different aspects of the marine industry:

  1. Marine Biology:
    • Marine organisms
    • Oceanography
    • Marine ecology
    • Marine biodiversity
    • Marine conservation
    • Coral reefs
    • Marine mammalogy
    • Fisheries biology
    • Marine microbiology
  2. Marine Engineering:
    • Naval architecture
    • Marine propulsion
    • Ship design
    • Offshore engineering
    • Marine technology
    • Subsea engineering
    • Ocean engineering
    • Marine robotics
  3. Maritime Industry:
    • Shipping
    • Maritime law
    • Port management
    • Maritime safety
    • International Maritime Organization (IMO)
    • Maritime regulations
    • Maritime economics
  4. Oceanography:
    • Physical oceanography
    • Chemical oceanography
    • Geological oceanography
    • Ocean currents
    • Ocean modeling
    • Ocean circulation
    • Oceanographic research
  5. Environmental Science:
    • Marine pollution
    • Oil spills
    • Marine debris
    • Coastal management
    • Marine environmental monitoring
    • Climate change and oceans
  6. Marine Technology:
    • Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs)
    • Remotely operated vehicles (ROVs)
    • Sonar technology
    • Marine sensors
    • Underwater acoustics
    • Marine navigation
  7. Maritime Security:
    • Maritime surveillance
    • Anti-piracy measures
    • Port security
    • Maritime domain awareness
    • Coastal defense
  8. Aquaculture:
    • Marine aquaculture
    • Fish farming
    • Shellfish aquaculture
    • Aquaculture sustainability
  9. Maritime History:
    • Naval history
    • Maritime archaeology
    • Historical shipbuilding
  10. Maritime Education:
    • Marine science education
    • Maritime training
    • Marine biology courses
    • Naval architecture programs


AAAlways Afloat
AAAAAlways Afloat, Always Accessible
AAOSAAlways Afloat Or Safe Aground
AARAgainst All Risks
AARAAlways Accessible or Reachable on Arrival
ABAble Seaman
ABSAmerican Bureau of Shipping
ACAlternating Current (electricity)
ACVAir Cushion Vehicle
ADArea Differential
ADFAutomatic Direction Finder
AFFFAqueous Film Forming Foam
AFRAAverage Freight Rate Assessment
AGArabian Gulf
AGWActual Gross Weight
All Going Well
AHTSAnchor Handling Tug and Supply Vessel
AISAutomatic Identification System
ALERTAutomatic Life-saving Emergency Radio Transmitter
ALRSAdmiralty List of Radio Signals
AMSLAbove Mean Sea Level
AMVERAutomated Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue System
AMWELSHAmericanised Welsh Coal Charter party
ANERAAsia-North America Eastbound Rate Agreement
ANOPArticles Not Otherwise Provided for
ANSIAmerican National Standard Institute
AOAwaiting Orders
And Other
AOBAny One Bottom
AOHAfter Office Hours
AOLOCAny One Location
AORAtlantic Ocean Region
AOSAny One Steamer
AOVAny One Vessel
APAll Purposes
Additional Premium
Aft Perpendicular
APIAmerican Petroleum Institute
APSArrival Pilot Station
APTAft Peak Tank
ARAAntwerp – Rotterdam – Amsterdam
ARPAAutomatic Radar Plotting Aid
ASAPAs Soon As Possible
ASBAThe Association of Shipbrokers and Agents (USA) Incorporated, New York
ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASPWAny Safe Port in the World
ASTMAmerican Society of Testing & Materials
ATAActual Time of Arrival
ATDActual Time of Departure
ATDNAny Time Day & Night
ATDNSHINCAnytime Day/Night Sundays & Holidays Included
ATKAviation Turbine Kerosene
ATSAll Time Saved
ATSBEAll Time Saved Both Ends
ATSDOAll Time Saved Discharging Only
ATUTCActual Times Used To Count
AUVAutonomous Underwater Vehicle
AVGASAviation Gasoline
AVRAutomatic Voltage Regulator
AVTAGAviation Turbine Gasoline
AWIWLAlways Within Institute Warranty Limits
AWVNSAlways Within Vessel`s Natural Segregation
AWRIAdditional War Risk Insurance


BABritish Admiralty
BAFBunker Adjustment Factor
BBBelow Bridge
Ballast Bonus
Bare Boat
Break Bulk/ Breaking Bulk
Bulbous Bow
BBBBefore Breaking Bulk
BBCBare Boat Charter
BCCode of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes
BCHCode for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
BCMBow to Centre of Manifold
BCOBeneficial Cargo Owner
BDBar Draught
BDCBottom Dead Centre
BDIBoth Dates Inclusive
BENDSBoth Ends
BFIBaltic Freight Index
BHPBrake Horse Power
BIBoth Inclusive
BICBureau International des Containers (International Container Bureau)
BIFFEXBaltic International Freight Futures Index
BIMCOThe Baltic and International Maritime Council
BKRBulgarski Koraben Registar (Bulgarian Register of Shipping)
B/LBill of Lading
BLUCode of Practice for the Safe Loading and Unloading of Bulk Carriers
BNBooking Note
BOABerthing On Arrival
BOBBunkers On Board
Balance On Board
BODBunkers On Delivery
BOFFERSBest Offers
BOLBill Of Lading
BOPBlow-out Preventer
BORBunkers On Redelivery
B/PBills Payable
B/RBills Receivable
BROBBunkers Remaining On Board
BSBunker Surcharge
BSCBritish Shippers` Council
BSIBritish Standards Institution
BSTBritish Standard Time
British Summer Time
BTBerth Terms
BVBureau Veritas
BWBrackish Water
Ballast Water
BWADBrackish Water Arrival Draught
BWDDBrackish Water Departure Draught
BWTBallast Water Tank


CABAFCurrency And Bunker Adjustment Factor
CAFCurrency Adjustment Factor
CBFTCubic Feet
CBMCubic Metres
Conventional Buoy Mooring
CBRCommodity Box Rate
CBSCyprus Bureau of Shipping
CBTClean Ballast Tank
CCCubic Capacity
Cubic Centimetres
Continuation Clause
CCGCanadian Coast Guard
CCSChina Classification Society
CDCustomary Despatch
C/EChief Engineer
CENSACouncil of European and Japanese National Shipowners Association
CESCoast Earth Station
CFMContainer Flow Management
CFRCost and Freight
CFSContainer Freight Station
CFTCubic Feet
CGCentre of Gravity
CGACargo`s proportion of General Average
CHABECharterer`s Agents Both Ends
CHOPTCharterer`s Option
CIFCost, Insurance & Freight
CIF&ECost, Insurance, Freight & Exchange
CIF&ICost, Insurance, Freight & Interest
CIFCCost, Insurance, Freight and Commission
CIFC&ICost, Insurance, Freight, Commission & Interest
CIMConvention Internationale Concernant le Transport des Marchandises par Chemin de Fer
CIPCarriage and Insurance Paid to
Calling In Port
CIQCustoms Immigration Quarantine
CITChartered Institute of Transport
CLPContainer Load Plan
CMIComit? Maritime International
CMRConvention Marchandise Routiers
C/NConsignment Note
Cover Note
Credit Note
C/OChief Officer
Care Of
CLCCivil Liability Convention of 1969
COAContract Of Affreightment
COACPContract Of Affreightment Charter Party
COBClose Of Business
COCCertificate Of Competency
Carrier Owned Container
CODCash On Delivery
COFCertificate Of Fitness
COFCContainer On Flat Car
COGSCarriage of Goods by Sea
COGSACarriage of Goods by Sea Act
COMBIDOCCombined Transport Document
COPCustoms Of the Port
COTCargo Oil Tank
COWCrude Oil Washing
C/PCharter Party
CPDCharterers Pay Dues
CPPClean Petroleum Products
Controllable Pitch Propeller
CPTCarriage Paid To
CQDCustomary Quick Despatch
CRChina Corporation Register of Shipping
CROBCargo Remaining On Board
CRSCroatian Register of Shipping
CSCInternational Convention for Safe Containers
CSMContainer Slot Management
CSOCompany Security Officer
CSRChech and Slovak Ship`s and Industrial Register
Continuous Service Rate
CSTCentral Standard Time
CTConference Terms
CTLConstructive Total Loss
CTOCombined Transport Operator
CUFTCubic Feet
CVsConsecutive Voyages
CYContainer Yard


DADischarge Afloat
DAPDays All Purposes
DASDocking Aid System
DBDouble Bottom
DBTDouble Bottom Tank
DCDirect Current
D/DDays After Date
Delivered At Docks
DDDaily Discharge
Dry Docking
DDCDestination Delivery Charge
DDPDelivery Duty Paid
DDUDelivery Duty Unpaid
DEQDelivered Ex Quay
DESDelivered Ex Ship
DGDangerous Goods
DGNDangerous Goods Note
DGPSDifferential Global Positioning System
DHDDemurrage Half Despatch
DHDATSBEDemurrage Half Despatch on All Time Saved Both Ends
DHDWTSBEDemurrage Half Despatch on Working Time Saved Both Ends
DICDelivered In Charge
DISPORTDischarge Port
DKVNVietnam Register of Shipping
DLOSPDropping Last Outward Sea Pilot
DNVDet Norske Veritas (Norwegian Classification Society)
DODiesel Oil
DOCDocument Of Compliance
DOPDropping Outward Pilot
DOSPDropping Outward Sea Pilot
DPDynamic Positioning
DPPDirty Petroleum Products
DRDead Reckoning
DRCDaily Running Cost
DSCDigital Selective Calling
DSHADangerous Substance in Harbour Area (Regulations)
DTDeep Tank
DWATDeadweight All Told
DWCCDeadweight Cargo Capacity
DWCTDeadweight Cargo Tonnage


EASCEuropean Air Shippers` Council
ECEast Coast
ECDISElectronic Chart Display and Information System
ECSElectronic Charting System
ECSAEast Coast South America
ECSIExport Cargo Shipping Instructions
ECTUEuropean Council of Transport Users
EDHEfficient Deck Hand
EDIElectronic Data Interchange
EDIFACTElectronic Data Interchange For Administration, Commerce and Transport
EDPEarly Departure Procedure
EEBDEmergency Escape Breathing Device
EHCEquipment Handover Charge
EHPEffective Horse Power
EITCEuropean Inland Transport Council
EIUEven If Used
ELSAEmergency Life Saving Apparatus
EMFElectromotive Force
ENCElectronic Navigation Chart
EOPEnd Of Passage
EOSPEnd Of Sea Passage
EPIRBEmergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon
EREngine Room
ESCEuropean Shippers` Councils
ESDEmergency Shut Down
ESPOEuropean Sea Ports Organisation
ETAExpected Time of Arrival
ETBExpected Time of Berthing
ETCExpected Time of Completion
ETCDExpected Time of Completion & Departure
ETDExpected Time of Departure
ETRExpected Time of Readiness
ETSExpected Time of Sailing
EXWEx Works


FAFree Alongside
FAAFree of All Average
FACFast As Can
Forwarding Agent`s Commission
FACCOPFast As Can, Custom Of Port
FAFFuel Adjustment Factor
FAKFreight All Kinds
FAOPFull Ahead On Passage
FAQFair Average Quality
FASFree Alongside Ship
FBLFIATA Bill of Lading
F&CCFull And Complete Cargo
FCFree of Capture
FCAFree Carrier
FCLFull Container Load
FCARFree of Claim for Accident Reported
FCRForwarder`s Certificate of Receipt
FCSFree of Capture and Seizure
FCTForwarder`s Certificate of Transport
F&DFreight & Demurrage
FDFree Discharge
Free Despatch
Forced Draught
FD&DFreight Demurrage And Defence
FDDFreight Demurrage Deadfreight
FEFCFar East Freight Conference
FEMASFederation of European Maritime Associations of Surveyors and Consultants
FERITFar East Regional Investigation Team
FEUForty-foot Equivalent Unit
FFAFree From Alongside
Fire Fighting Appliances
FFI(FIATA) Forwarding Instructions
FGAFree of General Average
FHEXFridays and Holidays Excluded
FHINCFridays and Holidays Included
FIFree In
FIATAInternational Federation of Forwarding Agents Associations
FIBFree Into Barge
Free Into Bunker
FILOFirst In Last Out
Free In Liner Out
FILTDFree In Liner Terms Discharge
FIOFree In and Out
FIOLSFree In and Out, Lashed, Secured
FIOLS&DFree In and Out, Lashed, Secured and Dunnaged
FIOSFree In and Out Stowed
FIOSTFree In and Out Stowed and Trimmed
FIOTFree In and Out Trimmed
FITFree In Truck
Free In Trimmed
FIWFree In Wagon
FLTFork Lift Truck
Full Liner Terms
FMCFederal Maritime Commission
FOFuel Oil
Firm Offer
For Orders
Free Out
Free Overside
FOBFree On Board
FOB`SFree On Board Charges
FOCFree On Car
Flag Of Convenience
FODFree on Damage
FONASBAThe Federation of National Associations of Shipbrokers and Agents
FOQFree On Quay
FORFree On Rail
FOSFuel Oil Surcharge
FOTFree On Truck
Fuel Oil Tank
FOWFree On Wharf
Free On Wagon
First Open Water
FPAFree Of Particular Average
FPDSOFloating Production, Drilling, Storage and Offloading
FPSOFloating Production, Storage and Offloading
FPTFore Peak Tank
FROFFire Risk On Freight
FRPFibreglass Reinforced Plastic
FSOFloating Storage & Offloading
FSUFloating Storage Unit
FTWFree Trade Wharf
FWFresh Water
FWAFresh Water Allowance
FWADFresh Water Arrival Draught
FWDDFresh Water Departure Draught
FWEFinished With Engine
FYGFor Your Guidance
FYIFor Your Information
FYTFollow Your Telex


GAGeneral Arrangement
General Average
GATTGeneral Agreement on Tariff and Trade
GLGermanischer Lloyd (German Classification Society)
GLONASSGlobal Navigation Satellite System
GMDSSGlobal Maritime Distress and Safety System
GMTGreenwich Meridian Time
GNSGerman North Sea
GOGas Oil
GOCGeneral Operator Certificate
GPGeneral Purpose
GPSGlobal Positioning System
GPUGenerator Protection Unit
GRIGeneral Rate Increase
GRTGross Registered Tonnage
GTGreenwich Time
Gross Tonnage
GWGale Warning
Gross Weight


HATHighest Astronomical Tide
HBFHarmless Bulk Fertiliser
HDHalf Despatch
HDLTSBENDSHalf Despatch Lay Time Saved Both Ends
HFOHeavy Fuel Oil
HHDWHeavy Handy Deadweight
HHDWSHeavy Handy Deadweight Scrap
HHWHigher High Water
HHWIHigher High Water Interval
HHWLHighest High Water Level
HLAHeavy Lift Additional
HLWHigher Low Water
HLWIHigher Low Water Interval
HMBHeavy Motor Blocks
HMSHeavy Metal Scraps
Her Majesty`s Ships
HPHorse Power
HRHellenic Register of Shipping
HSCInternational Code for Safety of High Speed Craft
HSDHigh Speed Diesel
HSSHeavy Grains, Soyabeans and Sorghums
HTSHigh Tensile Steel
HWHigh Water
HWIHigh Water Interval
HWLIHigh Water Lunitidal Interval
HWMHigh Water Mark
HWNHigh Water Neaps
HWONTHigh Water Ordinary Neap Tide
HWOSTHigh Water Ordinary Spring Tide
HWSHigh Water Spring
HWTHigh Water Time


IACSInternational Association of Classification Societies
IAFInflation Adjustment Factor
IALAInternational Association of Lighthouse Authorities
IAPHInternational Association of Ports and Harbours
IAPPInternational Air Pollution Prevention
IBCInternational Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
IBIAInternational Bunker Industry Association Ltd
IBSIntegrated Bridge System
ICCInternational Chamber of Commerce
Institute Cargo Clauses
ICSInternational Chamber of Shipping
ICSInstitute of Chartered Shipbrokers
IDLInternational Date Line
IFFInstitute of Freight Forwarders
IFOIntermediate Fuel Oil
IFPInterim Fuel Participation factor
IGCInternational Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk
IGSInert Gas System
IHOInternational Hydrographic Organisation
IHPIndicated Horse Power
ILOHCIn Lieu Of Hold Cleaning
IMBInternational Maritime Bureau
IMDGInternational Maritime Dangerous Goods code
IMOInternational Maritime Organisation
IMOSARIMO Search and Rescue manual
IMPAInternational Marine Purchasing Association
INFInternational Code for the Safe Carriage of Packaged Irradiated Nuclear Fuel, Plutonium and High-Level Radioactive Wastes on Board Ships
INMARSATInternational Maritime Satellite Organisation
INTERTANKOInternational Association of Independent Tanker Owners
IOPPInternational Oil Pollution Prevention
IORIndian Ocean Region
IPInstitute of Petroleum
IROIn Respect Of
IRSIndian Register of Shipping
ISDNIntegrated Services Digital Network
ISFInternational Shipping Federation
ISGOTTInternational Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals
ISMInternational Safety Management code
ISMAInternational Ship Managers Association
ISOInternational Organisation for Standardisation
ISPPInternational Sewage Pollution Prevention
ISPSInternational Ship and Port Facility Security Code
ITFInternational Transport Workers` Federation
ITICInternational Transport Intermediaries` Club
IUIf Used
IUHTAUTCIf Used, Half Time Actually To Count
IUMIInternational Union of Marine Insurance
IWLInstitute Warranty Limits
IWOIn Way Of


J & WOJettison & Wash Overboard
JITJust In Time


KDKnocked Down
KRKorean Register of Shipping


LASHLighter Aboard Ship
Lowest Astronomical Tide
LBPLength Between Perpendiculars
LCLLess than Container Load
Loose Container Load
LCFLongitudinal Centre of Flotation
LDFLight Distillate Feedstock
LDPTLoad Port
LESLand Earth Station
LFLLower Flammable Limit
LHWLow High Water
LHWILow High Water Interval
LIFOLiner In Free Out
LISCRLiberian International Ship & Corporate Registry
LLALong Length Additional
LLWLower Low Water
LLWILower Low Water Interval
LLWLLowest Low Water Level
LMLane Metre
LMSSLand Mobile Satellite Service
LNGLiquefied Natural Gas
LOLubricating Oil
LO/LOLift On/Lift Off
LOALength Overall
LOFLloyd`s Open Form
LOILetter Of Indemnity
LOPLine Of Position
LPGLiquefied Petroleum Gas
LRLloyd`s Register of Shipping
LSLump Sum
LSALife Saving Appliances
LS&DLanding, Storage and Delivery Charge
LTLocal Time
Long Ton
Liner Terms
Lumber Tropical (loadline)
LTFLumber Tropical Fresh water (loadline)
LWLumber Winter (loadline)
LWLLoad Water Line
Low Water Level
LWNALumber Winter North Atlantic load line
LWONTLow Water Ordinary Neap Tide
LWOSTLow Water Ordinary Spring Tide


MARPOLInternational Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships
MBLMinimum Breaking Load
MCAMaritime and Coastguard Agency
MCOMaximum Continuous Output
MCRMaximum Continuous Rating
MDOMarine Diesel Oil
MEESMiddle East Emergency Surcharge
MEPCMaritime Environment Protection Committee
MERSARMerchant Ship Search and Rescue manual
MESMobile Earth Station
MFOMarine Fuel Oil
MGOMarine Gas Oil
MGWMaximum Gross Weight
MHHWMean Higher High Water
MHHWSMean Higher High Water Spring
MHLWMean Higher Low Water
MHWMean High Water
MHWIMean High Water Interval
MHWNMean High Water Neaps
MHWSMean High Water Springs
MLBMini Land Bridge
MLHWMean Lower High Water
MLLWMean Lower Low Water
MLLWSMean Lower Low Water Spring
MLWMean Low Water
MLWIMean Low Water lunitidal Interval
MLWNMean Low Water Neaps
MLWSMean Low Water Springs
MIDMaritime Identification Digits
MMSSMaritime Mobile Satellite Service
MOBMan Over Board
MODUMobile Offshore Drilling Unit
MOLMore Or Less
MOLCOMore Or Less Charterer`s Option
MOLOOMore Or Less Owner`s Option
MOTMinistry Of Transport
M/RMate`s Receipt
MSMotor Ship
MSAMarine Safety Agency
Merchant Shipping Act
MSBMain Switch Board
MSCMaritime Safety Committee
MSIMaritime Safety Information
MSLMean Sea Level
M/TMotor Tanker
MTMotor Tanker
Metric Ton
MTBEMetyl Tertiary Butyl Ether
MTCMoment to change Trim per Centimetre
MTDMultimodal Transport Document
MTLMean Tide Level
MTOMultimodal Transport Operator
M/VMotor Vessel
MVMotor Vessel


NAABSANot Always Afloat But Safely Aground
NCADNotice of Cancellation at Anniversary Date
NCSANorth Coast South America
NCVNo Commercial Value
NDTNon-Destructive Testing
NEOBIGNot East Of But Including Greece
NEP/SNot Elsewhere Provided/Stated
NIMANational Imagery and Mapping Agency
NKKNippon Kaiji Kyokai (Japanese Classification Society)
NLSNoxious Liquid Substances
NMEANational Marine Electronics Association
NOAAThe United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NOENotice of Exception
Not Otherwise Enumerated
NOPNot Otherwise Provided
NORNotice Of Readiness
NORANotice Of Readiness Accepted
NORTNotice Of Readiness Tendered
NOSNot Otherwise Specified
NPANational Petroleum Association
NRNo Risk
NRADNo Risk After Discharge
NRTNet Registered Tonnage
NSNuclear Ship
NSANon-Separation Agreement
NSPFNot Specially Provided For
N/TNew Terms
NTNet Tonnage
NTMNotice to Mariners
NUCNot Under Command
NVONon-Vessel Operating
NVOCNon-Vessel Owning Carrier
NVOCCNon-Vessel Owning Common Carrier
NWENorth West Europe
NYPENew York Produce Exchange form


O/COpen Charter
Ore Carrier
OCIMFOil Companies International Marine Forum
OCPOver Common Point
ODOutside Diameter
ODMEOil Discharge Monitoring Equipment
ODPOffshore Drilling Platform
OHOff Hire
OHBCOpen Hatch Bulk Carrier
Owner`s Option
OOGOut Of Gauge
OOWOfficer On Watch
OPAOil Pollution Act
OPECOrganisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries
OPLOff Port Limits
OPRHNSProtocol on Preparedness, Response and Co-operation to Pollution incidents by Hazardous and Noxious Substances
OROwner`s Risk
ORBOwner`s Risk of Breakage
ORCOwner`s Risk of Chafing
ORDOwner`s Risk of Damage
OSOrdinary Seaman
OSBOne Safe Berth
OS&DOver, Short and Damage (report)
OSDOpen Shelter Decker
Oil Spill Dispersant
OSPOne Safe Port
OSRAOcean Shipping Reform Act
OSVOffshore Supply Vessel
OTOn Truck
Oil Tight
OWSOily Water Separator


P&IProtection And Indemnity
PANDIProtection And Indemnity
P/CGOPart Cargo
PCCPure Car Carrier
PCNTPanama Canal Nett Tonnage
PDMPhysical Distribution Management
PDPRPer Day Pro Rata
PELPermissible Exposure Limit
PER/DRFPermissible Draught
PFPower Factor
PFSOPort Facility Security Officer
PGPersian Gulf
PGFPoincar? Gold Franc
PHPDPer Hatch Per Day
PICPerson In Charge
PLProtective Location
PLTC`SPort Liner Term Charges
PMQSProvided Minimum Quantity Supplied
PMSPlan Maintenance System
POBPilot On Board
PORPacific Ocean Region
PPPicked Port(s)
Posted Price
PPEPersonal Protection Equipment
PPMParts Per Million
PPSPrecise Positioning System
PPTPrompt Ship
PRSPolski Rejestr Statkow (Polish Register of Shipping)
PSCPort State Control
PSFPounds per Square Foot
PSIPounds per Square Inch
PSRPanama Shipping Register
PTPrivate Terms
PVPressure Vacuum (valve)
PWWDPer Weather Working Day


QMQuarter Master
QSQuarantine Station


RCCRescue Coordination Centre
RCDSRaster Chart Display System
RDCRun Down Clause
RDFRadio Direction Finder
RECSpain`s Special Register of Vessels of the Canary Islands
REDRate, Extras, Demurrage
RFRange Finder
Radio Frequency
RHRelative Humidity
Right Hand
RINARegistro Italiano Navale (Italian Classification Society)
Royal Institute of Naval Architects
RINAVRegistro Internacional Naval SARL (Portuguese)
RLSRoyal Lifeboat Society
RMSRoot Mean Square
Royal Mail Service
RNRRegistrul Naval Roman (Romanian Register of Shipping)
Rate Not Reported
ROBRemaining On Board
ROCRestricted Operator Certificate
Reference Our Cable
RORORoll On/Roll Off
ROTReference Our Telex
ROVRemotely Operated Vehicle
RPCRemote Position Control
RPFRadio Position Finding
RPMRevolution Per Minute
RPSRevolution Per Second
RSRussian Maritime Register of Shipping
Radio Station
R/TRevenue Ton
RTRadio Telephone
RTWRound The World
R/VRound Voyage
RVPReid Vapour Pressure
RYCReference Your Cable
RYTReference Your Telex


S&PSale & Purchase
SAFCONCargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate
SANRSubject to Approval, No Risk
SARSearch And Rescue
SARSATSearch And Rescue Satellite System
SARTSearch And Rescue Radar Transponder
SATCOMSatellite Communications
SBSafe Berth
SBMSingle Buoy Mooring
SBSSurveyed Before Shipment
SBTSegregated Ballast Tank
SCSalvage Charges
Short Circuit
SCNTSuez Canal Nett Tonnage
SDSailing Date
Short Delivery
Standard Design
Single Decker
SDRSpecial Drawing Rights
SFSafety Factor
Stowage Factor
Shear Force
SGSpecific Gravity
SHEXSundays, Holidays Excluded
SHINCSundays, Holidays Included
SHPShaft Horse Power
SIGTTOSociety of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators
SLASingle Line Approach
SMCSafety Management Certificate
SMSSafety Management System
S/NShipping Note
S/OShipping Order
SOCShipper Owned Carrier
SOFStatement Of Facts
SOFARSound Fixing And Ranging
SOLShipowner`s Liability
SOLASThe International Convention for the Safety Of Life At Sea
SONARSound Operation Navigation And Range
SOPEPShip and Shore Oil Pollution Emergency Plan
SPSafe Port
SPCSelf-Polishing Copolymers
SPDSteamer Pays Dues
SPMSingle Point Mooring
SRLShip Repairer`s Liability
SSSpecial Survey
Steam Ship
SSBSingle Side Band
SSHEXSaturdays, Sundays, Holidays Excluded
SSHINCSaturdays, Sundays, Holidays Included
SSNStandard Shipping Note
SSOShip Security Officer
SSWSummer Salt Water
STShort Ton
Standard Time
STCSaid To Contain
STCWStandards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (convention)
STELShort Term Exposure Limit
STLSubmerged Turret Loading
SWADSalt Water Arrival Draught
SWASHSmall Waterplane Area Single Hull
SWATHSmall Waterplane Area Twin Hull
SWBMStill Water Bending Moment
SWDDSalt Water Departure Draught
SWLSafe Working Load


T&PTheft & Pilferage
T&STouch & Stay
TBATo Be Advised
To Be Agreed
To Be Announced
Tertiary Butyl Alcohol
TBNTo Be Named
To Be Nominated
Total Base Number
TBOTime Between Overhauls
TBSTalk Between Ships
T/CTime Charter
TCTime Charter
Till Countermanded
Time Closing
Temperature Coefficient
TCETime Charter Equivalent
TCPTime Charter Party
TCTTime Charter Trip
TDTween Deck
Temporarily Discontinued
TDCTop Dead Centre
TDWTotal Deadweight
Tonnes Deadweight
TDWATTotal Deadweight All Told
Tonnage Deadweight All Told
TETemporarily Extinguished
TEUTwenty-foot Equivalent Unit
TFTropical Freshwater (loadline)
T&GTongued & Grooved (timber)
THCTerminal Handling Charges
TIPTaking Inward Pilot
TLTotal Load
Total Loss
TLOTotal Loss Only
TMTechnical Manual
T/OTransfer Order
TOFCTrailer on Flat Car
TOPTaking Outbound Pilot
TOTOCOMTotal Commission
TOVALOPTanker Owners` Voluntary Agreement Concerning Liability for Oil Pollution
TPCTons Per Centimetre (immersion)
TPDTons Per Day
TPITons Per Inch
TRTon Registered
TRNDTo Be Renamed
Tropical Storm
TSATranspacific Stabilisation Agreement
TSCFTanker Structure Co-operative Forum
TSTTopside Tank
TTTurbine Tanker
Transit Time
T/TTelegraphic Transfer
TVPTrue Vapour Pressure
TWTyphoon Warning
TWATime Weighted Average
TWRATranspacific West-bound Rate Agreement


UBCUniversal Bulk Carrier
UCAEUnforeseen Circumstances Always Expected
UCTUniversal Co-ordinated Time
UFLUpper Flammable Limit
UHFUltra High Frequency
UKCUK – Continent
Under Keel Clearance
ULCCUltra Large Crude Carrier
ULCSUltra Large Containership
UMSUnmanned Machinery Space
UNCTADUnited Nation`s Conference On Trade And Development
USACUnited States Atlantic Coast
USCUnless Sooner Commenced
USCGUnited States Coast Guard
USECUnited States East Coast
USGUnited States Gulf
USNHUnited States North of Cape Hatteras
USSHUnited States South of Cape Hatteras
USWCUnited States West Coast
UTUniversal Time
UUUnless Used
UUIWCTAUTCUnless Used In Which Case Time Actually Used To Count


VATOSValid At Time Of Sale
V/CVoyage Charter
Vehicle Container
VDRVoyage Data Recorder
VECVapour Emission Control
VHFVery High Frequency
VIOSVessel Insurance and Operations Surcharge
VLCCVery Large Crude Carrier
VLFVery Low Frequency
VOCCVessel Operating Common Carrier
VOPValue as in Original Policy
VPDVessel Pays Dues


WWinter (loadline)
WAWith Average
WBAWhen Berth Available
WBTWater Ballast Tank
WCCONWhether Cleared Customs Or Not
WCSAWest Coast South America
WDWind Direction
WECMWarranted Existing Class Maintained
WEFWith Effect From
WFAWith Following Alterations
WIWest Indies
WIBONWhether In Berth Or Not
WICCONWhether In Customs Clearance Or Not
WIFPONWhether In Free Pratique Or Not
WIGWing-In-Ground (effect craft)
WIPONWhether In Port Or Not
WLWater Line
WLOHWithin Local Office Hours
WLTOHCWaterline To Hatch Coaming
W/MWeight or Measurement
W&MWar & Marine
WMOWorld Meteorological Organisation
WNAWinter North Atlantic (loadline)
WOGWithout Guidance
Without Guarantee
WPWeather Permitting
W/PWithout Prejudice
WPAWith Particular Average
WRICWire Rods In Coils
WROWar Risk Only
WSWorld Scale
WTWing Tank
War Time
WTSWorking Time Saved
WTSBEWorking Time Saved Both Ends
WVNSWithin Vessel`s Natural Segregation
WWDWeather Working Days
WWDSHEXWeather Working Days, Sundays and Holidays Excepted
WWRWhen Where Ready
WWRCDWhen Where Ready on Completion of Discharge
WWWWorld Weather Watch
WXWeather Message


YARYork Antwarp Rules


ZSTZone Standard Time
ZTZone Time